


Our office maintains relations with the community and contribute to the unfortunate as a significant value that is essential for the continuation of professional progress and integrated as much as possible in the ongoing day to day work process.

Schneider Naor Associates helps spouses who are victims of “economic abuse” in the stages of separation and divorce, either as pro bono project or financing the services, in order to enable those that wish to defend themselves in the best possible way and receive the rights they deserve.

Our firm financially supports young athletes, providing sponsorship and financial support, as well as financing coaches, sports nutrition consultants and competitions fees.

Our office serves as internal auditor and provides internal audit services to non-profit organizations, either voluntarily or in reduced fees. In our view, internal auditing is an essential tool for the efficient and proper functioning of every organization, in particular Non-profit organizations and public institutions 

בוא נשב לקפה !

לתיאום פגישת הכרות